When Is The Best Time To Workout And Why?

Finding the perfect time to exercise can be challenging when busy with work, socializing, and our favorite TV shows. But did you know that the time you choose to hit the gym can actually make a difference in reaching your fitness goals? Let's talk about the best time to workout.

Humayun Saleem
June 12, 2023

Morning Workouts: A Great Start to the Day

There are many advantages to working out in the morning. First of all, you get your workout done early and start your day with a sense of accomplishment. It feels great to achieve something before 9 a.m. that others might not do all day. It's a real ego boost!

Moreover, you won't have to worry about exercising later in the day. It gives you time to cook dinner, hang out with friends, or relax. Logistically, morning workouts make sense.

The Science Behind Morning Workouts

Studies support the idea of exercising in the morning. Research has shown that when women exercise in the morning, they are less tempted by delicious food later in the day than when they don't work out. Morning exercise also leads to increased physical activity throughout the day. It boosts metabolism, helping you burn calories as you consume them.

Working out in the evening may affect your sleep. Exercise can increase your heart rate and body temperature, interfering with getting a good night's rest. On the other hand, exercising in the morning, around 7 a.m., can improve the quality of your sleep.

Another advantage of morning workouts is that exercising on an empty stomach can help burn more fat. People who exercise before breakfast can burn up to 20% more body fat. It's easier to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning than after a full day of eating.

Afternoon and Evening Workouts:

Benefits and Considerations While morning workouts seem ideal, afternoon or evening exercise has perks too. If you plan an evening workout, you can enjoy extra sleep in the morning. But there are more benefits to consider!

The Science Behind Afternoon Or Evening Workouts

Research shows that your body performs at its peak in the afternoon. Your body temperature rises throughout the day, optimizing muscle function, strength, enzyme activity, and endurance for better performance. The window between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. is when your body is most ready for exercise, it is the best time of day to workout.

In the evening, oxygen uptake are faster, allowing you to use your energy resources more effectively. Morning workouts require an additional warm-up, which can take away from the focus of your exercise routine.

Exercising in the late afternoon and evening is especially beneficial for activities that require quick reaction times, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or speed work on the treadmill. During this time, your lower heart rate and blood pressure, reducing the risk of injury while improving performance.

Concerns about exercising at night disrupting sleep have been debunked by a study that found better quality and longer sleep among those who lifted weights in the evening compared to morning workouts.

Why Does What Time of day is Best to workout Matter?

Well, because our bodies go through changes throughout the day. Our bodies have their own internal circadian rhythm. These rhythms regulate things like body temperature, metabolism, and sleep patterns. And think about it, what? Exercise time also affects our bodies. Whether you exercise in the morning or evening, each time has its own benefits. What works for someone else may not work for you, so you'll need to experiment to find the best workout time. In the morning, your body just starts the day. Exercising early can kick-start your metabolism and feel a sense of accomplishment. Plus, you won't have to worry about best time to workout for weight loss later when you may be busy or tired.

On the other hand, exercise evenings can also be beneficial. As the day progresses, your body temperature and energy levels naturally rise. It can improve your performance and endurance during exercise. It also allows you to sleep a little longer in the morning. Ultimately, finding a time that works best for you is important. Everyone is different, so figuring out when you feel most energized and motivated to exercise may take trial and error. See how your body responds to exercise at different times of the day and go with what feels suitable for you. 

The Final Verdict

Ultimately, the best time to workout is the time that suits you and your schedule. Consistency is key. Sticking to a specific time daily can make more significant progress in your training. After all, that's what really matters—making exercise a regular part of your life.

So, whether you exercise in the morning or later in the day, the important thing is to get moving and stay active. Listen to your body's natural rhythm, try different exercise times, and find the right time of day to be active and healthy! Your health and well-being will thank you!

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