Potential Benefits And Risks Of Protein Powder For Diabetic Patients

Protein, a building block of a cell, plays a crucial role in the growth, maintenance, repair, and regrowth of a muscle. Protein is not only a basic source of our body, but responsible for the creation of enzymes, antibodies, and hormones.

May 18, 2024

Your body cannot function without protein. However, the need for protein increases if you have certain chronic diseases like diabetes. Diabetes is affecting millions of people around the world. For the effective management of diabetic situations, protein powder comes to the surface. 

Well, most people have their own concerns about the safe usage of diabetic protein powder. To understand its efficiency and its impact on diabetic patients, let’s take a look at different aspects of protein powder for diabetes and its potential benefits and risks.

Benefits of Protein Powder For Diabetics

  1. Regulates Blood Sugar Level

Several studies and research show that high consumption of protein significantly increases blood sugar level. Similarly, many clinical trials and research support the use of diabetic protein powder, which regulates the level of blood sugar, enhances insulin sensitivity, and reduces the need to use insulin after meals.

A clinical trial published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that the use of protein powder for diabetes helps people to manage their type-2 diabetes. It found that protein powder encourages the production of insulin in people who have normal triglyceride levels and body weight. People with high weight have shown an increase in their glucose levels.

Another study in The  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that diabetic patients who intake whey protein have less insulin sensitivity and high blood sugar levels as compared to diabetic patients who do not.

Various other studies claim that the consumption of protein powder helps improve blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. However, the research is still continuing to find out the impact of protein powder on a diabetic patient.  

  1. Helps Lose Weight

A person with type-2 diabetes usually faces obesity and is overweight. Therefore, there is a high chance he might be looking for ways to reduce weight. People can benefit from several ways to lose weight. Either by doing some exercise or cutting down calories from their diet.

Well, for a diabetic patient, the best way is to add more protein to your diet to lose weight. Protein takes more time to digest as compared to carbohydrates, so it makes you feel full. This way the patient will not feel the need to eat anything for a long time and can function on protein. 

The incorporation of a high-protein diet helps the diabetic patient to reduce weight. However, this will only work, if one only uses a high-protein diet, instead of adding protein in a high-fat and carb diet. 

There are a variety of ways that help diabetic patients to get proteins. Diabetic protein powder ensures to provide enough protein to the body which not only regulates blood sugar level but also reduces weight.

  1. A Healthy Diet Alternative

Diabetics often make you feel empty and tend to eat something quickly. Well, at that time people just have left with few options. Candies, sodas, or pastries. This significantly increases the blood sugar level. 

But these food options may not be healthy for diabetic patients with excess weight. Therefore, the use of protein powder for diabetes is an effective and healthy option. The intake of protein regulates blood sugar levels and also makes the person feel full.

Protein shakes, protein powder, and protein supplements all are healthy and effective diet alternatives when the person feels hungry due to his diabetic condition. 

Also Read: 5 Most Effective Diabetic Tea For Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Risk Of Consuming Diabetic Protein Powder

Although protein powder offers a variety of health benefits for diabetic patients, it also has some limitations. The use of protein powder for diabetic patients may pose some risks. 

  1. Unhealthy Ingredients

The biggest disadvantage of consuming protein powder is the high level of sugar intake. Apart from that, protein powders also contain other unhealthy ingredients that may increase the symptoms of diabetes. These ingredients include:

  • Artificial colors

  • Artificial sweeteners

  • Artificial flavoring

  • Refined oils

Hence, diabetic patients must ensure to consume sugar-free or diabetic protein powder to avoid any problems.

  1. High Consumption of Protein 

The extra consumption of anything may pose risks. There is a limit to everything. Generally, the standard rate of protein consumption is 0.8 g per 1 kg of a person’s body weight. 

A scientific review of literature published in The National Library of Medicine concludes that the high consumption of protein leads to various health issues: 

  • Kidney problem

  • Malfunctioning of the liver

  • Risk of developing cancer

  • Weight gain

  • Diarrhea or constipation

  • Coronary artery disorder

  • Kidney stone due to high calcium level

Hence, it is important to consume only a standard and recommended amount of protein for better health.


Diabetes is a chronic disease, which gradually kills you from the inside. Fortunately, diabetic patients have the option to manage their condition efficiently through lifestyle changes and the incorporation of a healthy diet. 

The use of protein powder for diabetes significantly offers various health benefits. It regulates blood sugar levels, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces weight. Moreover, it also serves as a healthy diet alternative. 

Protein takes a longer time to digest which means it stays longer in a person’s body and provides energy for a longer time. It ensures that a diabetic patient doesn't feel hungry anytime soon. Several studies have evidence that the use of protein powder for diabetic patients is a healthy and effective choice.

Protein powder is indeed safe and effective but it also has some limitations. The overconsumption of protein may lead to severe health issues in a diabetic patient. For instance, kidney problems, overweight, liver problems, diarrhea, constipation, and a high risk of developing cancer. 

There is ongoing research on the impact of protein powder on the health of a diabetic patient. Therefore, diabetic patients must always consult with a healthcare provider before taking any protein supplements.

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